Incoherent ramblings, project updates, reviews, and other writings fallen into the ether.
As somebody who’s followed Aaron Swartz technologically and personally for many years now, it saddens me to hear about his recent passing.
Nothing major, just figured somebody might be able to use it. A basic INI reader/writer utility.
This is just a small guide on how to setup PySnip on Linux. If you want to set it up on Windows, there is already a featured server here.
Only a tad bit late on this one. Figured I’d post about it though.
Since I keep getting messages from every direction about this, I figured I’d make a post.
Visual Studio’s WinForm designer is outstanding in many ways. But recently I’ve found myself in a bit of a situation when using the designer along with an ImageList.
Over a span of the last 2-3 months, I’ve had the joy of dealing with one of the most controversial anti-cheat softwares to date - Punkbuster.
Wanna know something that makes you feel like a dead-beat?
Recently there have been a lot of people asking how to map controls in Ace of Spades. For those who don’t know, Ace of Spades allows controls to be configured via scan codes by editing the controls.ini file located in the installation directory. Within the file, there is a URL that links to a scan code chart. For the most part, this chart will suffice, until you realize that Ace of Spades uses DirectInput scan codes, which can differ from those on the chart.